About us

Before the war

The CodeIT team has supported various social projects in peaceful times. Since the beginning of the full-scale russian war against Ukraine, we have grown and founded CodeIT4Life. Its mission has become to help Kharkiv and region residents with evacuation, humanitarian aid, medicines supply, and to support the military defending our country.

Our Main Project

We strongly believe in the victory of Ukraine and think of the region’s natives’ and residents’ future. Thus, we have already launched the ReBuild Kharkiv charity project, designed to restore the critical infrastructure of the city.

Unfortunately we cannot bring back our lost and loved ones.

However, we can unite the whole world in mutual efforts to save and restore our city and ensure the survival and future lives of its people.

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Our Projects



The project is aimed at supporting children aged 3 to 17, and their families from the front-line Kuril community of Kupyansk district, Kharkiv region.

Learn more United.kids

The Path to Salvation

The goal of the project: To save the lives of as many wounded soldiers as possible during evacuation from the first frontline (red zone) to the evacuation transport. The return of fallen soldiers (evacuation of deceased soldiers from the red line).

Learn more The Path to Salvation

Defend Kharkiv with us!

Our Armed Forces are fighting to repel the enemy, and they desperately need our help.

Learn more Defend Kharkiv with us!

Protective mesh

The project is aimed at creating camouflage nets for the military in order to save lifeі and equipment during combat missions.

Learn more Protective mesh

“Eyes” for the frontline

The project is aimed at providing civilian drones to the military for a timely response to the danger on the line of contact with the enemy (aerial reconnaissance)

Learn more “Eyes” for the frontline


We are raising $100K to purchase 10 mobile evacuation units that will speed up the transport of our wounded soldiers from the frontline to the point they can receive life saving treatment

Learn more QuadRescuer

Safe Ukrainian childhood

The project is developed for the rehabilitation of children who live in urban-type settlements or were displaced from de-occupied territories to these settlements and have the status of "IDP" (Internally Displaced Persons). We are starting with the first safe children's room for children in Derhachi (Kharkiv region). The aim of this project is to provide psychological assistance and physical recovery for children.

Learn more Safe Ukrainian childhood

Mobile field hospital

The project is aimed at the creation of mobile field hospitals in order to save the lives of servicemen on the line of contact with the enemy.

Learn more Mobile field hospital

Твори СвіТи (Create the Worlds).

Within the framework of this project, the Charitable organization "Charitable Foundation "CodeIT4life Ukraine" together with the Lviv Charity Fund "Ridni" organized a series of “ARTshpakivni” (art starling boxes) for 130 children (40 of them are representatives of IDPs (internally displaced persons)) - free master classes for children in the de-occupied and near-front regions of Kharkiv Oblast, namely: Derhachi, Bezruky and Savyntsi.

Learn more Твори СвіТи (Create the Worlds).

Defenders Support

We help our front-line defenders, SES, law enforcement institutions, and doctors with the provision of necessary equipment and cars. Also we deliver bandages, thermal underwear, food packages, and hot meals. *Defenders' support is provided only with the funds directly allocated to that purpose only.

Gear for 50 Warriors Defenders Support

The ReBuild Kharkiv Project

We call and unite the whole world in the project focused on Kharkiv restoration. The first object to restore is one of the city hospitals, which was destroyed by the russian occupiers.

Learn More The ReBuild Kharkiv Project

First Aid assistance on the front line

The project is aimed at equipping servicemen and combat medics with tactical medicine, namely first-aid kits, tourniquets, occlusive stickers, and bandages, which quickly and on time make it possible to provide first aid in the first minutes at the line of contact with the enemy.

Learn more First Aid assistance on the front line

People Evacuation

Since the first day of full-scale war, we have been evacuating people from the hottest places in the region and city to the bomb shelters, providing them with food and necessities. Then we have been searching for vehicles, fuel and helping families to leave for safer places.


Assistance to the flood victims

A group of volunteers from CodeIT4Life in the flood-affected area is assisting the local State Emergency Service in evacuating the affected individuals, providing them water, food and medicines.

Learn more Assistance to the flood victims

Medicines Supply

We purchase and deliver needed medicines to the civilians in the hottest spots in the city and region. We also provide medical institutions of the city with medical instruments.


An Armored Ambulance

To protect the lives of wounded Ukrainian soldiers and medics who take care of them, we have raised money to buy an armored ambulance.

Learn more An Armored Ambulance

Grant project "Stay together"

Assistance to IDPs in the city of Kharkiv and the population of the de-occupied territories of the Kharkiv region.

Learn more Grant project "Stay together"

Join our initiative!

Become a part of history with us! Save thousands of lives!

Donate now

Our support

2,5 mln USD

the cost of the help provided

221+ families

were evacuated from close to front-line regions

103 722 km

our volunteers have driven to help others

28 projects

were realised

291 events

were held within the "Safe Childhood" project

11 551 children

visited our safe spaces

1 700 units

of tactical equipment were provided to defenders

700 tactical first-aid kits

were handed over to the military

52 benefactors

involved in the "Safe Childhood" project

124 generators

where the electricity has been restored thanks to the donated generators

100 quadcopters

were handed over to aerial reconnaissance team

with the help of 12 Starlinks

the means of communication were provided

We continue to support Kharkiv and a part of the Donetsk regions

About Kharkiv

The second most populous city in Ukraine with a pre-invasion population of 1.5 million, Kharkiv is home to 13 institutions of higher education, dozens of industrial enterprises, and a large number of research institutes.  

Only 25 miles from the border and a major railway hub, Kharkiv is a strategically important gateway to Ukraine’s East.  The city has featured prominently in kremlin’s pseudohistorical ramblings. At the start of their genocidal invasion, Kharkiv was flanked on three sides, then methodically devastated by indiscriminate artillery, missile and aerial bombardment. Hundreds, possibly thousands of civilians lost their lives, tens of thousands fled their homes, and entire neighborhoods in the northeast of the city were destroyed.

Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukrainian forces retaliated with a ferocity that kremlin’s bloated midget had not anticipated. In March, our military halted the enemy’s advance, and in June, they pushed rapists and torturers away from Kharkiv.  In September, a dramatic Ukrainian counteroffensive smashed the russian lines and re-established almost complete control of the Kharkiv region.  As winter settles in, our country, with support of the West, digs in for a lengthy and brutal but righteous fight. Ukraine did not start this war, but Ukraine will finish it.

CodeIT4Life is a small but determined part of Ukraine’s fight to liberate our land from moscow’s brutal occupation.  We are a non-profit arm of CodeIt, an IT outsourcing business in Kharkiv with 200 IT professionals supporting our US customers for over a decade. In the early desperate days of the war, we delivered hot meals, clothing and first aid kits to civilians and soldiers.  Today, our team continues to support our military and to protect our civilians.  And after victory brings peace, it will be time for us to help build a strong, prosperous and democratic Ukraine.

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Our Partners

“The Ditch” bar

“Bench” barbershop

A chain of coffee shops “Sweeter”

Charitable Organization “Onuky”

Prime Orchestra

Charitable Organization “Daruy Dobro”)

“Mam rental”

I dance studio

ABF (Always Big Family) dance studio

All Stars Dance center

Blue-Golden cross

Christian medical association

Kurylivka military administration
Kurylivka military administration

Tactical Medical Center “EAST”

Savyntsi settlement council

Global Empowerment Mission

Holy Trinity Lviv Reformed Church

Nova Poshta

Street Cultures Development Center

Dergachi City Council





Our contacts

Should you have any questions, please contact us:

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Alex Kholodenko +1 561 817 99 36
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Evgeniia Semeniak +38 093 574 34 20
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Alex Tkachenko +1 415 595 70 75‬