or how we bought 5 bombers for 1000 UAH

Our team always supports charity fundraisings of other volunteers and charitable organizations. Not only through the information support – for each of us, donating before going to bed has already become a permanent habit. And now we want to tell you the story of one of those evening donations.

Not so long ago, Ihor Lachen covered and supported the fundraise for the legendary SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) USV drones held by UNITED24, Monobank and Sternenko. A permanent partner of UNITED24 — the chain of stores “Aurora” — joined this project. Among all participants, 35 mono+aurora cards were drawn, each worth 100000 UAH (~2600 USD), and you could win one for a contribution of 100 UAH (~2.5 USD). And for a donation of 1000 UAH (~26 USD), you could win a card with a million hryvnias (1000000 UAH = ~25000 USD) on your account.

And one Friday evening, preparing for the transfer of our 10 “Quadrescuers” and summing up the results of the week, the director of our foundation, Alex Kholodenko, decided to support this fundraiser with the usual evening donation. Contributing his 1001 UAH for the USV drones, he, like each of us, wanted to bring the Victory of Ukraine closer and did not even think that he would gain a small victory of his own.

One of the cards with a denomination of 100000 UAH was won by our Alex, and all taxes on the winnings were paid by the organizers of the collection. There was no doubt where to spend the money won – our director knew that it would be directed to the fight of our people and support of defenders. So it was decided to purchase “bombers” – drones for the legendary “Hostri Kartuzy” (eng. Peaky Blinders) unit.

The idea with drones was supported by a good friend and reliable partner of our foundation, Oleksandr Gerasimov, who systematically joins our projects and initiatives. Part of the amount required for 5 “bombers” was covered precisely by his efforts, for which we are infinitely grateful.

So, dear friends, in any situation, when you have at least the slightest opportunity, please support our defenders. And donating to Victory is the duty of every citizen of Ukraine. Also, even if you have your own fundraising, it is always necessary to support the fundraisings of others. Because only together we can obtain Independence!