Before the full-scale invasion, Diana worked as a freelancer, specializing in social media management (SMM). A couple of months before the start of the war, she decided to intern as a bartender at a bar because she had always found it intriguing.
“After returning from Lviv, I immediately started looking for ways to help. I was recommended to this foundation, so I reached out to Evgeniia, and in mid-January, I joined the team. Overall, I take on the responsibilities of an office manager, ensuring order in the documents, but I try to help everyone in any way I can.”
Diana is motivated by the new experience, opportunities, and the realization that she can contribute to society: “That’s why I help. It’s impossible to simply sit back and enjoy life, knowing that numerous people are suffering, in need of assistance, and fighting for our independence. Everyone can do something, express their gratitude and support. That’s what I’m doing.”